Friday, 15 December 2006

Best Laid Plans

14 December – Isn’t it always the way – just when the mini-drought seems to have alleviated itself by a smidgeon something gets in the way.  In the middle of what could almost be called a hot run when, whilst going to pick up an incorrectly addressed and woefully misrepresented item (an envelope?  Let’s say a folder and a 1-metre long, 2 kilogram architectural roll) from 11 York St, I missed the glass door and went headfirst and (more importantly) knee first into it.  Was almost knocked to my feet but managed to collect my thoughts enough to carry on – a bit more in the city and out to Surry Hills and Central where another misrepresented package (‘small parcel’ disguised as a f**king huge box) that had to be balanced on the handlebars back into the CBD – on the way up Elizabeth St started to feel shooting pains up my banged knee and by the time I reached my destination I was pedalling with one leg.  Called for an early lunch in the hope that some stretching would alleviate the problem but there was no joy there and, seeing as all the reputable doctors I knew in the city where unavailable, headed over to the Emergency ward.  Not much of a wait luckily but not much that they could do – x-ray and cursory examination showed nothing wrong and was told to ice/anti-inflammatory it and hope for the best.  Seeing as work for the day (week?) was finished took the opportunity to get my new contact lenses and furthered my attempt to try to get some of the starter kits without much luck.  Contact lens kits for RGPs in Australia are ridiculous – everything is sold seperately and in great big bottles that expire long before an average user would even get halfway through them – in Canadia you could buy the little kits with a month’s worth of cleaner, solution and a fresh lens case for a docky diver.  The sad thing is that the starter kits are available in Oz but they’ll only give them to you when you first start wearing contact lenses and never again (they won’t even give you a new one when you shell out $470 for a new pair).  What has this world come to?

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