Sunday 13 November 2005

Rewriting History

TOBYHANNA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - President George W. Bush charged on Friday that Democratic critics of the Iraq war were trying to rewrite history by accusing the White House of manipulating intelligence to gain support for the war.

George Bush is critcising others, accusing them of being revisionists, saying that it is 'Deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began'. The GWB presidency has not been for that long a time, although it might feel that way sometimes, i wonder if he actually remembers the leadup to war the same way we do. Is he deluding himself that they went to war on a lie they pushed or is he just lying now?

I don't know what's worse, an American presidency that deludes itself that it's gross mismanagement is really the best for the world or one that is intentionally trying to screw it over.

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