Monday 21 November 2005

Oh, what a shocking bad hat you've got on ...

19 November - ... You'd better come by my store for a new one.
Woke up early although felt a great desire to keep on sleeping - made some pancakes and watched a few crappy music videos before heading into Downtown - paid for my contact lens and did some other errands including a futile search for my missing spectacles. Got told off by a hotel stooge for having my bike in the hotel despite the doorman telling me to take it in and I wasn't terribly polite with my response. It was a completely clear day when I left the house, still pretty chilly (certainly colder than the warming factor of the t-shirt and shorts that i'd worn to ride in in) but while I was in town the fog rolled into town. At first just the tops of the buildings became obscured and before I knew it it was everywhere. It got dark pretty early and it was like being in a Dickensian nightm ... well, a very foggy night nonetheless. Had an ostrich burger for dinner (kind of like emu) before returning to the house and avoiding the hockey and watching the tail end of 'Frequency'. I do like a good time travel movie. This was not a good time travel movie. Apart from being a schmalzy Disney-esque (may have even been Disney-ee) plot the time travel element was woefully disappointing. Along the lines of the Back to the future, if I do something now, I can save my family in the future genre - it completely ignored the concept of paradox and was not ... I can't say whether time travel could possibly exist (although there have been some scientific experiments which have shown some strange phenonema such as light exiting a crystal before it entered the other side) but if it did, it wouldn't happen like that. I'm looking forward to seeing a really good time travel movie in the near future, or maybe even in the past.

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