Monday 6 February 2006


3 September - Experimented with another option for my morning coffee this morning. This time tried SEN5ES, which i've previously stayed away from because of the offensiveness of the name. The use of l3345p33k, by corporate institutions is both loathsome and lame and every attempt should be made to drive these wannabes out of business. In any event, the baristas were rather curt and the coffee, which was only okay, cost four dollars. What!!! Four dollars for a goddamn cup of coffee!!! Are you crazy? There are a lot of coffee places in this town, dozens of franchises (Starbucks, Blenze, Seattle's Best, Tim Hortons, Cuppajoes, JJ Beans, Wild Bean to name but a few) and most of them do filtered coffee (pretty weak but usually cheap) and some do espresso (more expensive usually okay but many of the places load up every coffee with so much dry foam it's disgusting). Something about the caffeine obsession over here just doesn't ring true for me though. I can't put my finger on it. I've onlybeen here for a few months but I get the sense that all the coffee shops are just a fad (like juice bars and salad places) that everyone is just enjoying until the next fad comes along. Every time I hear someone talk about a latte I always get the image of them having using it for an enema. Maybe I'm just jaded.
In any event, while I was enjoying my expensive coffee (although not nearly as much how much I paid for one at CafĂ© de la Paix in Gay Paree) I was approached by a driver courier from Corporate Couriers who asked me about my Blackberry. He showed me his (they've just upgraded and have one device that has a combination radio/blackberry/phone (although truth be told all blackberry's have a phone anyway, ours is just disabled). He was very talkative and I started to wonder when he was going to move on but then he came to his point. He's the fleet manager for Corporate and he asked if I wanted to go work for them. I know for a fact that Novex it a bit more competitive about its rates than some of the others and this has a direct effect on what we get. I'm certainlynot doing this job for the money but a little more couldn't hurt. The job would be EXACTLY the same as what i'm doing now but I could be getting a few extra bucks. And, more importantly, i 'd get a new uniform which i'm hoping i'll be able to keep as a souvenir. The dowside is that i'd be goingfrom one of the more experienced members of a small team to one of the most junior members of a very large team and I might initially suffer a drop in earnings. Still, it's nice to know i'm wanted. Day was okay, a couple of agonising hill climbs but a mostly nice day (cold but didn’t rain until the afternoon) and the night involved eating way too much ice cream, which I haven't had for quite a while. Still, cold fat and empty calories are not conducive to staying thin so the binge might have to be followed by a purge.

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