Monday 9 January 2006

The Wounded Soldier

6 january - Woke up early today, but not for work. Set my alarm for eight but was unkindly woken by my Blackberry's alarm which is always set for six - managed to very easily get back to sleep but was up to call in to can work for the day. My shoulder and arm were adding to the general throbbing that was still coming from my wrist. It didn't come as a big surprise to Chris and there is a bit of a surplus of riders at the moment so it didn't cause any trouble. Struggled around the house for a while tryingto make myself some breakfast and a coffee. Took a while and eventually decided on going out for something to eat instead. Headed downtown to try and make something of the day and found myself at the library where I got some fat but populist tomes to entertain myself through my invalid state. Bumped into Dimitri, who'd suffered his own minor mishap that day, but I stayed away from the core where I might be questioned for my lack of bicycle and uniform. Downtown really isn't all that exciting when it's rainin(which is obviously was) and I escpaed the afternoon by heading into Tinseltown to see Spielbego's latest, Munich. Very good movie with a strong moral core condemning violence but a trifle long and a bit of a squeeze on the bladder. Made my way home after this for Ibuprofen, Mongalian takeaway and South Park. Arm still hurt quite a bit through the night, hoping to get some relief in the next few days. I've forogtten what it's like to be a temporary invalid - couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through this on a more permanent basis - will try to remember what it's like when i'm all better.

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