Friday 13 January 2006

It's not the pain, it's the boredom

11 January - Haven't been terribly active for the past few weeks anyway, but this wrist injury is very inconvenient. All of the things I could be doing with the time off work like going on a few mountain trails, going climbing or even the prohibitively expensive snowboarding are completely out of bounds because of the injury. Started a few things that I've held off on for a while but it's still pretty chilly and intermitently raining so there's very little incentive to leave the house. Daytime television is straight off the list, the books I have are not exactly riveting and the internet is more a pain than a pleasure at the moment. Struggled through a housemate's DVD of 'Pitch Black' in the afternoon but it didn't too much to alleviate the horror of being a convalescent. A few of my tasks today included making some phone calls and I had to navigate the labyrinthine network of the IVR to speak to a real person. All of the little tricks I knew to bypas the machine (the one benefit of working for telcos for five years) don't seem to work over here and whilst I really dislike punching in numbers on a menu I abhor talking and repeating myself to a machine and I just give them the silent treatment and hope that I'll eventually get put through to the humans. The evening included a brief stint down to the post office and a very cheap and sickly sit down coffee and muffin combo to allow me to absorb a bit of Vitamin A before returning to the house and the couch where I risked watching the predictably tedious second instalment of the hopefully short Chronicles of Riddick sage that completely wasted its good stars who should have known better and intensified my contempt of its bad stars. Keith Urban's space mullett was memorably amusing though.

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