Monday 31 October 2005

F**kin' Bed Bugs!!!

30 September - Came to the conclusion the other day that my room happens to be infested by f**king little bed bugs; at first I thought I had some ingrown hairs caused to my infrequent waxing regime but those little bastards have been biting me - and they're vicious little things - my elegant right leg has been defaced in several places by their bites - I won't go into the pussy (that's adjective of pus, not a cat) details but suffice to say my room is has now been blasted with something to send them to the afterlife. Glad i'm only here for a few more days - the sooner i'm out of here the better.
Spent the afternoon riding all over town trying to find something to wear to tomorrow's interview and had some success - a nice pair of trouser that will have a life beyond their (hopefully brief) working life - didn't bother with shoeses - the bike ones i've got are dark enough for me to get through the door I hope ... I can always explain to the girl that I rode in hence their casual nature.
My room still has an evil smell to it so i'm going to go have to kill some time somewhere in town - it's been raining consistently all day, am getting an idea of what Vancouver is really like now. Still getting very annoyed by the post tax - i'm sure i'll get used to multiplying everything I buy by 1.07 or 1.14 (i never know which) but it's very frustrating. Also it gets dark at about 5 o'clock now that daylight savings is over (the joy of getting that one extra's hour sleep was not as fabulous as I remember it was when I was working).

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