Saturday 29 October 2005

Dull Movies and Even Duller Books

27 September - Saw a crap documentary called Grizzly Man about an extremely annoying American who spent thirteen years living amonst the grizzly bears in Alaska before they finally ate him. Interesting story but the guy was annoying as hell (and the filmmaker was also pretty dull as well). Also spent the evening chatting with the students who are still very nice but very 17. They're all reading a book called 'The God Of Small Things' (which I think was recommended to me by Kate); I told them i'd just read it and they jumped on me - hoping I think that I could impart wisdom onto them so that they wouldn't have to read it (I wasn't particularly impressed with the book myself, well written but just kind of dull - in terms of plot, it's pretty much the same as Stephen King's the Green Mile).
Also, one of the guys at the hostel invited me to go down to Seattle with him today (he's not coming back) and I had to refuse unfortunately because I'll be moving Tuesday and also doing the interview on Monday. He was going to be driving but I'm sure I'll get there within the next few months or so.

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