Thursday 1 December 2005

And Then There Were Four Again

30 November - No snow or rain today which was very good, it was extremely cold which wasn't very comfortable at first but it warmed up slightly and I was moving around pretty consistently so I felt okay. Wore the leggings again today and tried every possible variation to keep them up - hiking them up as far they could go and sliding the knicks over them smoothly, having the tights over the knicks, bunching them around each other, keeping the knicks out of contact with them, tucking my overshorts into them ... Every time they come on down again. Eventually it warmed up enough and I just took them off altogether. Not terribly busy although it did kick off at the exact moment when I had a flat tyre - got t fixed at the bike shop and finally got a front fender so I won't end each day with my face spattered in mud. The same tyre went not three hours later at the very end of my shift. An annoyance rather than a hindrance but that rear wheel seems to be cursed - about the sixth tyre i've gone through in six weeks (i've got three punctured ones in my room that I have to get around to fixing one of these days). The mechanics at the bike shop ar pretty miserable fellows - while I was getting the tyre and fender they also fixed a problem i've been having with the higher gears. The same issue seems to happen pretty regularly and I asked if he could tell me what i t was so I could fix it myself. Is it hard to fix? I don't know. What do you mean? I don't know how mechanically minded you are. Well, not really but what was the problem? Well, it could be the derailier, it could be the wires, it could be the gears. Yeeesssss ... But what was it? Never found out how to fix it if it comes up again anyway. It seems that Crystal, the girl who started with us last week has already left us. Apparently she hurt her knee whilst riding into work from richmond (pretty far out) and the company wasn’t prepared to keep the job for her - mayhap Novex has a nasty side, I hope that's not the case but this industry seems to be have a pretty brutal reputation, at least amongst the couriers anyway. Got home and watched a video and avoided most of two hockey games before crashing out. Ho hum, diddly dum.

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