Thursday 7 June 2007

One Last Hand ...

6 and 7 June – Various aspects of both good and bad news slightly lessened the oncoming ulcer that I feel might be germinating within my fragile body.  Life as a messenger is so less stressful.  Sheepishly showed my face in town and debated whether I should be paying $2 or $2.30 for a Palms coffee.  So far, I’m still paying $2 which makes me feel a little bit better about myself.  Saw the ARM Deputy (Junior?) Chair doing that thing she does so well apparently and later doing that thing I know she does well.  Heavens finally decided to smash down upon the parched city on Thursday morning and found myself suitably soaked on my way in for the latest bout of manipulation – recovered fairly well, at least well enough to play another hand in the latest game I’ve been playing.  The anxiety of not knowing what the immediate future is really starting to get to me but this thing, if it comes through (and it might), will change EVERYTHING.  Birthdays for 2 year olds don’t have to be frustrating.

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