Tuesday 5 June 2007

Has The Messenger Sold His Soul?

5 June – Oh, the humanity.  Phone calls, strategic visits to the hotspots, bike maintenance, meetings with friends and foes, steady lowering of expectations and a brief spurt of hope.  Such is the life of someone in a transitional phase.  Got a bunch of phone calls in the afternoon – all of them offering various blobbets of information about the “strong” market in the things that I’m trying to pretend I’m interested in and the last call of the business day was the one I was hoping for (???) ... ... ... I suppose I should be celebrating but right now relief is the real emotion I’m feeling.  And the only way to deal with feelings of relief on a Tuesday is to go to the movies.  The latest instalment in the turbo-zombie drama proved to be sufficiently entertaining for what it was.  I think the moral is that you shouldn’t let your children play outside.  
Did you know that 265,000 babies were born Australia in the past year?  That’s the most in 35 years!  I originally suspected that it might have just been my generation but I now realise that it is a plague upon this Earth.

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