Friday 16 September 2005

Don't Panic

14 September - Went to the Sawasdee Khao Sann Inn to collect my bag and be collected. I bought my ticket for the airport bus and then as I went into the luggage storage room something brushed my right eye and suddenly everything went blurry. Sometimes it's just a minor displacement and a few blinks set everything right but not this time of course. It took me about 30s to realise what had fully happened as I was having a wrestling match with my expanding rooksack. By then, it was panic time. There was about a four squar metre space where the lens could be and people were traipsing through it without a care in the world, lost in their own little existences and not giving a damn for my blindness. I managed to put my glasses on but they seemed to make everythingworse, especiallyas the rain and humidity made them as translucent as a banana milkshake. I had some of the hotel guys lookingwith me but they had no idea what they were lookingfor. Eventually I found the lens through feeling for it, draggingmy hands across the dirty wet floor until I came up with the gold. The hotel guys couldn't believe I could find somethingthat small (well, I have had some practice). In this little fracas the bus had already left and I had to wait for another one. It was then that I realised that I'd misplaced my itinerary and I had a vague notion of beingtold i'd need it due to the fact that my flight to Frankfurt-London had been brought forward. Once again, panic time - I tried to see if I could use the hotels printer to run off another one, no printer. Then ran up thr road to the nearest internet cafĂ©, full. Next one, no printer. Next one, no printer. Gave up and thought i'd try at the airport. The bus was late and stuck in traffic and I was in a very worried state for the first half of the journey. Then I thought to myself of the sage words printed on the universe's greattst travel guide, 'Don't Panic'. What was the worst that could happen? No way am I going to miss the plane - at worst, aabsolute worst, I might not get on this flight, and then I can just call Flight Centre or the insurance and get put n the next one. That's what you can do when you're insured and you've paid a full f**king fare - so I didn't panic . Got to the airport and couldn't find a printer but then it turned out I didn’t need one. The only bad news was that I couldn't get an emergency exit - again! Can't these people see how tall I am? I need special treatment.
Anyway, I obviously haven't missed my plane because i've been sitting in the Bangkok airport KFC nursing an overpriced pepsi for the past half hour and my plane hasn't even had a boarding call yet.
Footnote - I missed the boardingcall and was one of the last to get on the plane (well, at least I didn't have as long waiting around for it to take off ...)

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