Thursday 8 March 2007

A Birthday Breakfast

What should a birthday breakfast entail?  Truly, it should be the breakfast of a champion.  But not the breakfast a champion eats when he is training to become a champion – that breakfast is much debated but my opinion is that it should be composed of whole grains and mighty fibre and protein to scour the inside of the body of evil humors and give raw energy to be burned throughout the day (typically the  breakfast I eat on most days) - but the breakfast that a champion eats when he knows he has been crowned a champion.  Whilst I have not done anything that would enable me to call myself a champion (at least nothing lately) and I am celebrating an event notable only for its tradition in regard to an arbitrary calendar I still have decided that that is the breakfast I would like to have.  My choice will obviously satisfy my relatively recently rediscovery (a few years at most) of my appetite for pancakes but it will include other things (possibly) but they will be pancakes the likes of which I have never constructed.  It would be nice to have pancakes made for me, of course, but I don’t believe that anyone else (chef, friend or lover) is really up the dedication that I know they will require. I know that the professionals are often far superior to my own concoctions but they don’t have the passion that I do and I must hone my craft until it is right.  And pancakes made with love always have a better aftertaste.

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