Friday 27 April 2007

Capital Crime

26 April – A late confirmation of the requirement for my web building skillz brought me over to Willoughby for a bit of a hack at the Link website ( and despite background noise of the indecision of what to name a fake type of wood it was a remarkably fruitful session. Much stress in fiddling with table column widths and one of my co-workers (???) committed the unforgivable sin of laying out a document with spaces – a crime so heinous and foul that I came very close to a mental breakdown and considered shutting down the entire operation.  Level heads prevailed.  A beautiful day on the streets on Thursday – the rains had ceased and the air was crisp and clean – usual crap from the router but managed to channel my way through it with some very creative routing of my own and after all was said and done it turned out to be one of the best days in ages in terms of number of trips, number of units and overall personal satisfaction.  Apparently was almost assaulted as I skidded through an intersection (George and King – site of the last accident no less) on the tail end of the yellow light but didn’t notice and only found out when Pretty Boy informed whilst I et my luncheon.  Stevo and Kate were in town with the latest courier baby – always nice to see the next generation – does make one think though ... Uneventful evening with a substandard pizza and an overlong movie about the CIA which kept me up way beyond the bedtime I should be sticking to.

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