Monday, 16 April 2007

When Is A Walk In The Park Not A Walk In The Park?

15 and 16 April – Out to Centennial Park for a few spins around the circuit on a very pleasant Sunday morning – accompanied by three companions of various sizes.  As chilled out as could possibly be hoped for considering the fact that children were present – was mostly exhausted by hitting a tennis ball on a string on a spring for more time than was good for me but presume that I made some headway on some fronts.  From there took the scenic route back to McMahons Point – was hijacked by the perpetually wheelie-ing Yogi as I left the park and he just happened to be going in the same direction as me so had an escort.  Very strange man but basically a good fellow.  Watched an okay adaptation of a very good book in the ‘All The Kings Men’ - pretty much a verbatim translation of the book faulted only by cutting out some details, compressing the timeline and, what really annoyed me the most, placed the story in the great state of Weezie-Anna instead of the fictional ‘southern state’. For some reason it always tickles me when an author or film auteur chooses to set the story in a fictional part of the world rather than reality – even though the audience is certain that it refers to a real place when it’s not real it makes it more real.  Prime examples are ‘All The Kings Men’ (we didn’t need to be told it was Louisiana), Louis d’Bernieres South American trilogy set in a place that was based on Paraguay but was left unnamed, Syriana which could have been anywhere in the Middle East, that film with Nicole Kidman playing a white African (was it the Translator or something?) which was obviously supposed to be Zimbabwe and there are a bunch of others set in Eastern Europe or any of the other continents which are currently escaping my train of thought.  In any event, where does it go from here?
An unfitful sleep probably caused by personally stressing myself out meant a slow start to the morning – was designated bridge bitch for the day and even though I had a potential opt-out I decided to stick with it which was probably a mistake.  I don’t really want to keep on routing about dispatcher’s incompetence but it was clear and present again – although this time was notable not just for its crapness but because I was denied any luncheon – a cardinal crime in any courier’s world – I know in the beginning I got used to it and I sometimes have adequate foodstuffs on my person to sate me during the day but today I didn’t and I’ve grown lazy and accustomed to that 30 minutes of freedom throughout the day so when it is denied me I am enraged.  Was saved somewhat by a cupcake and an apple from two lovely ladies but it just wasn’t enough.  Frangelica is going to be given a little workout by the Paragon, his beloved Rocket looks like he may have seen the end of his days with a somewhat severe crack over the head tube – I just hope he treats my lady with the respect she deserves.

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