Saturday, 14 April 2007

Drinks With The Ambassador

13 April – Frustrations of incompetence were the cause of much wailing and gnashing of teeth and the possible destruction of several of the elevators in the inner CBD area.  Mostly busy for the entire day but terrible inefficiencies and almost everything was late.  Dispatcher made the mistake of calling me at a moment when I was particularly hot and he’d just made some stupid changes to the route I was supposed to take and I had no choice but to let him know what he was doing wrong.  I shouldn’t let it bother me but it does – combination of annoyance and adrenalin do not make for a calm messenger.  Somehow managed to finish the day with most of my sanity intact but it was only the fact that it was the end of the week that allowed me to keep it all together.  Went to birthday drinks in the evening to celebrate the ... Birthday of a friend of Louisa which was mostly pleasant – have not been a big fan of inner city drinking for some time now and the unexpected presence of a potential rival could have put a spanner in the works.  Confirmed that I would not be required to physically sort anyone out and then proceeded to drink more than my usual quota of beer.  Was warned about the presence of a former UN weapons inspector who could also have been a bit of a problem but he seemed pleasant enough ... But then again, I’m not the despotic leader of a third world country so there was no reason why he wouldn’t be.

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