Wednesday, 25 April 2007

My God Is A Vengeful God

24 and 25 April – Once again, woke to the sounds of bucketing rain and once again missed the worst of it by having the fortitude to be the late guy.  However, this wasn’t to last and the weather was alternatively a little bit crap and a whole lot crap.  First delivery of the day to the accursed Macquarie Bank had a little slide out that stunned me a little but managed to stay upright for the rest of the day despite a few near misses.  Cracked the mythical third page for the first time in a long time but no real quality – had to decline quite a bit of indy stuff due to the machinations of the machine.  A few mechanical issues like chain flying off and wrapping itself around the crank on George St after a few little bumps and my lock completely seized up – sprayed it with some sort of lubricant at the bike shop and it just made it worse – eventually it just stopped working which was unfortunate as the bike was free locked and it took me 10 minutes to work it free but eventually got a different kind of oil and it worked without too much issue for the rest of the day.  Evening involved the most consumption of alcomohol for a very long time with a birthday of a friend of a “friend” - overpriced intoxicants (with admittedly free food) were imbibed in great plenty – there was no need to get the duelling pistols out but apparently the housemate had my back if required.  The Greeks know how to party (in that I mean that they know how to drink anyway).  Was forced to put the light out far too early (3am!  What do you mean lights out???) and it took excessive quantities of unethical pig meat, ethical eggs and bread, cheese and coffee of indeterminate moral condition to bring me back to the real world.  No sooner had digested this than was forced out to consume an Anzac Day luncheon of mostly fried yum cha.  No two-up or beer of any kind due to previous night’s festivities which I know is very unAustralian but, by God, sometimes a boy just needs a break.

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