Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Team That Eats Together Works Together

30 January – Coming home after a fitful night’s sleep at Chez Grey was a bit disappointing as I waltzed into the house only to find my beloved American Psycho framed film poster lying on the ground, the front smashed beyond recognition with jagged glass strewing the floor.  Obviously too much weight for the wall but we may never have discovered this unfortunate fact if the pictures weren’t swapped around so often but im not the kind of guy to get upset over broken glass.  Despite hauling myself into town early to get my skin checked for cancer by the surly Dr Whatever I ended up having to wait for half an hour only to be told not to come back for three years (unless I see anything of course in which case expect a verbal bollocking out whilst he checks again).  No permanents at all today as individuals worked themselves into the gap created by Shifty’s missing finger but a fair swathe of good quality work and a bunch of crap stuff that had me riding pretty much non stop for the entire day – not very good routing but not terrible and nobody tried to steal my trips this time.  The long awaited team dinner was held in the evening with an excellent turnout of almost the entire fleet including those currently out of action, Shifty seemed in relatively good spirits considering his ailments and everyone could hear themselves talk because of one of the notable absences.  Excellent high volume thai food at Dao Toya (or something like that) - got the banquet which is always a risky thing because I feel I’ve got to inhale as much food as possible in as short a time as possible because all my eating companions are also hungry and want the same food that I want (especially when they’re our couriers) and I then end up completely overstuffed and unable to move afterwards.  I had an inkling what it’s like to be Evil Kath or Good Kate – not very pleasant but they’re built for it and I’m not.

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