Monday, 1 January 2007

Sax C Is Not A Driver, Sax C Is A Biker

28 and 29 December – Why should I separate two days when I’m writing about them in one post?  There’s no rules in my personal code of conduct which force the posts to be split by 24 hour periods when generally nothing of consequence has happened over multiple 24 hour periods.  I didn’t write anything on the 28th so it’s coming in with the 29th.  Suffice to say that Thursday was much better than Wednesday – Kurt back on and the incompetent operator substitute off or at least inflicting his horrific dispatching to the car drivers.  Did a north run and even had a break where I went home for half an hour and enjoyed the relaxation that one could have when it’s really really quiet and you’re in the right head space to enjoy it.  North side where I had an excellent meal cooked for me and other delights including but not limited to not only Moet but Chandon as well.  Much of Friday’s work was minimised by a few strategic phone calls and cajoling and seducing and brow beating of secretaries and security guards.  Did a bit of bicycle maintenance – replaced rear tyre with its risky sidewall gash and Chevette was also given a sneaky going over by Jamie who fixed the brake, oiled the chain and gave a full mechanic’s report on her.  Have reconsidered the choice of tomorrow’s vehicle of choice and the girl might just edge the pre-op.  Snuck in a beer in the early afternoon (my third ever (I think) that I’ve had whilst actually on the job and finished by taking two permanent jobs (that I’d secretly hoped would be futile – even though I’d relied on the hope that they’d be yesterday and was screwed and ended up doing a slightly shady transaction that enabled me to screw over a colleague somewhat) back to Eveleigh (is that actually a suburb?  It looks like it’s Redfern to me) which was a minute away from Chez Sax.  Decided I’d work from home for the rest of the afternoon – something I always wanted to try when I was swimming in the depths of the corporate pool but only managed to actually do when I was a courier.  I’m trying to decide whether I’m blind or an insectophile or just have a high level of tolerance but apparently the house is being overwhelmed by a plague of cockroaches of biblical proportions that are threatening our very lives – somehow we’re survivng.

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