Saturday, 20 January 2007

Awesome Day

19 January – An absolutely blasting day at work despite a few moments of solitude, made a shedload of sheckels for Toll and I’m pretty sure a few of those will flow into my meagre cup.  Lots of big things and lots of urgent things and my powerful legs were more than up to the task this time.  The Martin Place congregation was hassled again by the man – the security guard getting more and more aggravated with our presence - ‘We don’t want you here!’ (obviously the royal we) - I think we’ve really got to take a proactive stance and find out what our legal rights are in this situation and even find out what the police attitude is about it because otherwise it’s just going to be a new hassle every week.  Ian’s ‘S**t Your Pants’ competition was held after work (a bad pun on the fact that it was mainly an event testing the tyre wasting practice of skidding) - started with a hard and fast race from Martin Place to Ultimo – relatively happy with my performance of fifth or so – my strategy was letting the lead two crazy nuts break through the traffic ahead of me – running all the reds and getting the traffic ahead of me to stop or at least slow down while I slipped through.  Got my free beer and headed home for another poker night – Scottish one was not nearly as obnoxious as he has been in previous games and we had a very good turnout, especially in the high stakes second game (which I lost but I did win the smaller first game so it was net positive on gambling front).  
I’ve been informed that I’m using the word ‘awesome’ far too much these days – was not aware of that fact but it might be a Canadian hangover which is strange because I used to make fun of one of my housemate’s for his own excessive use of the term that annoys the English when it’s used inappropriately.  Maybe I’ll just have to up the use of ‘Sweet!’ ...

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