Monday, 20 February 2006

Wind Tunnels

17 February - Got some very disappointing personal news last night which didn't do me any good and got woken up by the cold at about five o'clock (the heater in my room has seemed to quit functioning). Still, a very good morning helped by some very big circular runs between the Yaletown, The Core and 1500Land and the sun really came out in the afternoon. The afternoon dropped off pretty significantly but I still managed to keep reasonably entertained throughout the day (in hindsight I think I vented off a bit oa stress at various vehicles who 'shared' the road with me). Very glad when it was all over though.
Despite a mostly dull afternoon with the lack of activity failing to prevent some unhappy ponderings my day was probably better than Rene's day though. Upon returning to the house he informed me that he failed his driving licence test today. He's been driving for years but has never had a licence. This happens, know a lot of people who didn't get their driving licence until later in life. However, after asking him what incident caused him to fail the story got a bit more interesting. Rene doesn't know why he failed because upon learning that he had failed he told the tester to 'get the f**k out of the car' and then later threw a trashcan over the counter at the testing place forcing them to call security. I'm sure the story will get more interesting with the detail but its unlikely to get any more sympathetic to Rene's plight. Suffice to say he's not feeling terribly apologetic. Great guy, Rene, but he's got a bit of a mental streak in him sometimes.
Finished another Ian McEwen book, Atonement. All of the books of his that I’ve read over the past few months have been well and truly completely excellent and because they're so dense even the thin ones seem to provide hours more entertainment than the thickest Stephen King novel. This does mean that I'm out of books again so as Martin Prince once said, 'To the library!'.

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