Wednesday, 28 November 2007

My God Is A Vengeful God

26 and 27 November - Escape from the office and into the seminar - admittedly learned a few things but they were probably things i could have lived the rest of my life without knowing and it wouldn't have mattered much at all - some of the talks went better than others but when all was said and done it was actually quite dull (and the luncheon and prizes were not nearly as nice as the previous one) - the house is feeling slightly smaller and doughtier with the return of one of its inhabitants and to celebrate took an evening of comedy at the Fringe - not amazing but certainly not bad - MC was probably the best of them but that's not to say the others were completely awful - female comedians with dirty mouths never really do it for me so escaped in good time (male comedians on the other hand ...)
Despite starting the day with a good deed Hermes decided that I should be punished with a flat - wasn't carrying a spare and the rear tyre was so shredded with skidding that it would have been pointless to even attempt a streetside repair (none of this helped by the semi-torrential downpour that had hit the city) so found myself doing the long slow walk from Central Station to the city - fixed by the end of the day so i could ride northside and be indecisive about what would provide the best nourishment in the evening (I wanted pizza but it wasn't to be).

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