Monday, 26 November 2007

Mad Scientist

25 November - A day of food experiments - starting off with the doughnut like yeast pancakes (where did I get the yeast to start the culture?  Trade secret, my friend) followed by the long awaited New Dawn Chicken.  After years of searching and research into a meal that had taken on almost mythical dimensions in my mind I finally constructed the fabled Chicken in Salt Crust (with Cabbage Michelle Grattin on the side) for a select few guests - the bird is steamed in a 33:66 salt:flour shell and it turns out very nicely indeed - can't eat the shell which was disappointing but we'll see what happens in the next incarnation.  Productivity still low - but that's what happens when you live in a socialist country (and how strange does that still feel?).  Oceans 12 is a hell of a lot worse than its prequel and Sicko is a hell of a lot better than its predecessor.  Who'd have thought.

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