Thursday, 24 May 2007

Then There Were Three (Shortly After There Were Four)

23 and 24 May – Productivity not very high on the first day but did manage to struggle through my Canadian tax return and even got it posted off.  Always a pain to do a tax return but when its for a foreign country it’s especially painful – half of the fields didn’t apply to me but still had to check every one because there’s always a figure hidden away in the middle that has to be entered otherwise the long and extremely bureaucratic arm of the Canadian government would be sure to come and get me.  Went over to Gordon to celebrate dad’s 69th birthday and was pleased to find out it was only his 68th (I really should know this, shouldn’t I?) and managed to get the last direct train to Redfern but annoyed the North Sydney train guard by a last second decision to leap off.  Woke up not knowing where I was (still having some very strange and particularly vivid dreams) but after working it out all seemed well.  Had a lot of trouble getting some bandwidth on Thursday – my North Sydney point wasn’t working and even the advertised free Bridge St connection at Wagamama’s decided not to work either (maybe they’re onto me) and spent some very unproductive and battery sucking time wandering the CBD looking for a replacement which was all for nowt.  Osteopath visit was particularly painful – even though Scott was relatively gentle the new injury seemed to get in the way.  Good to have the easygoing housemate back in the house from his little English sojourn – now have a good sounding board again and his Dreamweaver skillz are particularly welcome.  Managed to find my trusty hotspot at Abercrombie and Golden Grove still in good working order and ate an average luncheon in Newtown before heading back for some hours behind the computer screen.  Was somewhat interrupted by the addition of another houseguest (a Landmark one) which should make the next few days rather interesting.  Thought a walk would do me good so went down to the AB for a pre-arranged meeting and was unexpectedly fed for the effort.  Took James back to the household so that he could have a little of my herbal remedy and then do me a solid by clearing the house of excessive occupants so I could get some work done.  How lovely of him.

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