Saturday, 12 May 2007

Don't Fall In The Sarchasm

10 May – After some very loud manipulation was back on the streets (where I belong?) - relatively okay routing for the most part but a cracked stem on Shifty’s velocipede meant we were down to three bikes (four including Brettski and how could anyone not include Brettski???) and were constantly reminded of that throughout the day.  This had the undesirable result of me not having any luncheon throughout the day – in the old days this was something that I was used to but I’ve grown fat and complacent over the past six months.  To top this of I was devoid of bananas in the morning and had a paltry choc-chip muesli bar on my person so was not very comfortable throughout the day.  I made the mistake of trying to joke with the incompetent one by suggesting a lunch break at 5:00 and this had the result of the gold mine of FREHIL P1s going to my nemesis, the Paragon, who even had the audacity to bitch about it later in the evening when he did his semi-regular battery swap.  Had a very pleasant reunion with an old school chum afterwards – unexpected and not really desired (not that it was undesired) but sometimes it is nice to catch up with people from the past.  

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