Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Where Were The Helicopters?

27 February – Morning run was so smooth that I had a full seven minutes to wait before the bank opened (admittedly, one minute early this morning) but that was pretty much the sum of the day’s excitement.  A lot of standing by, a lot of coffee and a lot of cigarettes were what made the work day eventful.  An early underpaid deep south run was notable only because of the customer screw ups that led to several 10 minute delays, even more frustrating because they were just shy of the threshold for paid waiting time and the early evening was taken up by a few strange urban jobs (two of them had a drop that were within a block of the pickup yet both managed significant delays because of customer incompetence) finished by a horrible drop to Deutsche Bank building where I had to negotiate a closed mailroom, cleaners putting a stranglehold on the goods lift, utter lack of dispatcher support and a crotchety security guard only to find out that the drop was closed and I’d have to do it in the morning.  And there were no helicopter gun ships staging a mock evacuation of the city like I was promised – terrible.  As a result of shenanigans I had to rush home and get myself into a semblance of readiness for a family outing where my attempted directions apparently lit the fuse to some latent familial frustrations and it took a while before we managed to congregate at Doy Tao in order to get grossly overfed.  F**king wrecked by the end of it though.  I’m a delicate man with delicate sensibilities and I’m too old to get into fights.

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