Wednesday, 7 February 2007

The Jodi Doctrine

6 February – Indy work got interrupted again by the cunning dispatcher who just seems to be playing with me in the mornings – decent day and super busy in the afternoon (got everything off through shrewd routing and was even given a little bit of unexpected praise which swelled the heart a bit) - PRC t-shirt was totally soaked with sweat through exertions and scratched my hand with an altercation with a taxicab.  I know it’s completely subjective and I am biased but after being verbally abused for just going close to him in a traffic jam he then moved after being completely stopped to cut me off when I was splitting between him and a bus and literally drove me into it (at a very low speed).  Justifiably enraged I punched his bonnet with my fist (sorry mate, this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you – and it did).  Ate a lot of meat for dinner and tried to engage the Jodi doctrine – think it helped a bit (one part particularly) but didn’t really solve the problem – but does it need solving anyway?

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