Sunday, 20 April 2008


To The 20th ... Is this the way the dates are noted?  Due to latter frequencies it seems that this must be the new standard - well, the old one has been languishing since the insistence of its inception by a certain gentleman frustrated at the disconnect between finding hotspots and the descriptions of the activities that led up to them ... and if you understood that I'm impressed.  Good movies, bad movies, okay movies - all have taken up my attention and I've even managed to throw in some half decent television as well.  Puck is still in his unfinished state but certainly seems to be riding well enough to give a demonstration to some of the locals even if he didn't propel me to victory (there's plenty of time for that although it might have to be a year before he gets the opportunity in Global Gutz again).  And once again, I found myself on the accommodation hunt - perhaps a little too little time in between hulking my ever expanding collection of possessions between addresses but it might be the last time for a long time so who knows ...

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