Monday, 4 February 2008

Next Time It's Mine

31 January - 4 February - Ah, dear me, perhaps it's the rain but seem to be having trouble keeping up to date - had one of the most authentic Chinese restaurant at home meals I can remember (if not exactly altogether authentic Chinese meals) which devolved to silliness and far too fast drunken ridings home but no crashes to report (at least on the Friday night) - the Cat de Shiftoire held on Saturday afternoon in rather decent conditions proved to be too sketchy for some.  One again, I found myself coming in near the middle, made two major mistakes which were mostly due to my lack of recent experience on the streets (I totally blanked on Quay St and Chalmers St - both of which I spent a fair amount of my time on) - I've got to find the eye of the tiger and take one of these things out for a change.  That jersey is not going to fall into my lap.  In any event, Chevette handled herself beautifully in the race - combination of new chain ring and relatively recent wheels and saddle make her nothing less than a joy to ride.  And relatively clear lungs should be pushing me up a couple of positions at a minimum.  Lust Caution is a good film (; Bruce Almighty is not such a good film - Steve Carrell's rubbery face is relatively amusing but not enough to warrant a sequel I'll wager and Jim Carrey should stop whoring himself out to the highest bidder - one just has to suppose that he wants to have some films that he can show his kids (does he even have any?). 
Had a Bite Me burger on Sunday's afternoon - all composed of high quality expensive ingredients but without the holistic burger vision that another burger joint possesses - council pickup day in Woollahra proved to be somewhat beneficial - old school portable fax machine and abba-dabba workout tool were notable scores.  And the household is slightly more energy efficient after the Polish plumber (see electrician) did his business.  Got to keep some things under better wraps when strangers call.

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