Monday, 12 March 2007


12 March – An easy ride in from Coogee and a fairly smooth run set me up quite well for the day – some woefully misrepresented deliveries could have been a pain but I gritted through them and consoled myself with the fact that mortal men would have been incapable of such feats – was just gearing up for the mindset of luncheon at about half one in the afternoon when St George got in the way and I felt like fainting by the time it was over and I managed to scrape the bottom leftovers at the 52mp roast place for some much needed sustenance.  Day never really picked up but did mange to crack the fabled third page for the first time in weeks and there was a little bit of colour brightening the plethora of BST/STDs that littered my page.  And I think I’ve just discovered a new bit of jargon to enter the lexicon – Bastard Sheet for a sheet that’s full of nothing but BST and STD jobs – Sax, you’re a wordsmith – not just in the usage of words but in their creation.  Spent the evening in McMahons Point enjoying the various views before timidly sneaking back into my own inner western hole in the wall – such are the evenings.

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