Sunday, 3 December 2006

Devil's Food and Devil's Drink

2 December – Extricated myself without too much trouble from a situation (which wasn’t really a situation) – should have handled it with a bit more aplomb but think things are being handled in a better than terrible fashion.  That is, to say, that I’ve behaved far worse in the past and not really felt too much guilt about it.  Which doesn’t really explain very much in the end.  PJ’s old school chum seems to have produced a better movie than his last one – certainly raised the bar in terms of comedic interviewers going to extraordinary lengths for laughs (I’ve never seen Norman Gunston take a punch like Mr Cohen did on the chin after his naked romp through a Vegas (?) hotel – also a little bit embarrassing to watch with one’s parents but pretty funny nonetheless.   Aching over the micro issues that are constantly cropping up on the new computer – email woes and a seeming desperation for a good internet connection are weakening my resolve.  And trying to get my life’s files off my old laptop before the end of the millenium?  Forget it.  Can connect the PDA to the PC but not the Mac.  Can copy files to a camera’s SD card on the PC but can’t retrieve them from the Mac (only sound, video and picture files???  For simplicity’s sake I presume, Mr Jobs?  You can simplify my a**e!). Can connect a USB keyring to the Mac but not the PC (no drivers).  Can burn information to a CD on the Mac but not off the PC to a CD.  Ethernet cable connects to the Mac but not the laptop.  What the f**k is going on here?  It’s not that big an ask when upgrading computers to be actually able to keep the old files, is it?  
Latter part of the afternoon was spent out in Coogee – had been offered a lift by a very generous friend of mine but had issues getting in touch with her but her evil ogre of a boyfriend interfered with the arrangement and a bus trip was made instead (albeit a very pleasant one) - Ms Mill’s must be feeling nostalgic for England (I don’t know why as the miserable weather was very reminescent of a sodden London day) because she’d set her mind on a sherry and mince pie party which was very nice despite the fact that I can’t eat mince pies (raisin’s are the devil’s snack – and lo, god looked upon the grape and saw that it was round and green and plump and sweet and he was pleased with his creation but the devil was jealous of god’s fruit and so he took it down into the fires of hell where the brimstone shrivelled it up to a dessicated husk of its former glory and god wept) and sherry’s not really my favourite tipple either (and lo, god took what grapes he had left after the devil had taken them for his raisins - and he turned it into a delicious wine which pleased him for it was fruity but sharp with undertones of vanilla and elderflowers but the devil grew angry and fortified it with a lesser wine and god wept and drank because he was sad and then was sadder because he drank) but she’s got lots of really nice friends (and why hadn’t I met these friends before anyway?)

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