Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Canine Morning Meal
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
F**ked By The Round
How The Tables Have Turned
Due to constrictions of the season had a semi-house meeting where nothing of consequence was discussed over an excellent Sax prepared breakfast of Five Star Hotel Scrambled Eggs ?, Crispy Bacon and Blueberry and Oat Pancakes with Greek Yoghurt and Canadian Maple Syrup – which, I will not be too modest about, was f**king awesome. Afterwards took Dave the housemate down to Christmas lunch with the extended family. Largest gathering of relations by blood and marriage and de facto that I can remember ... Last time something approached this number would have been the last election night where Mark Latham broke my heart and my aunt then stamped on the pieces. Food was excellent and some relations were expectedly and unexpectedly both tedious and brilliant – afternoon was taken up with a showing of ‘Kenny’ which was always going to be slightly irritating as a movie pretty much shuts down a party (even if only temporarily) but was especially annoying as I’d just seen it the night before (and had even made a late night bike ride through sketchy streets to get it back in time for the cheap rate). Mater seemed to be pretty pleased with her present of a basic, relatively bad quality bike, although it should be more than adequate for her uses (I say this in defence as I know she’s the most (only?) regular reader of this diatribe. Felt a bit strange fixing the bike up and then watching her ride off down Holford Crescent – this particular incident took exactly 22 (or maybe 23 or 24 – can’t remember how old I was when I got my first bicycle) years to reverse itself.
Monday, 25 December 2006
Inefficient Bliss
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Saturday, 23 December 2006
Victory Will Be Ours
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Take Two
Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Is This A Task for The Immortal Class?
I’ve finally finished ‘The Ground Beneath Her Feet’ - Salman Rushdie’s epic and poetic homage to rock’n’roll and the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice (that’s euri-di-see, not yuri-dice apparently) has been conquered. I don’t know what the problem was – it was enjoyable, a bit difficult to read at first but not too much of a stretch – for some reason I was struggling to get through two pages a night. Every time I picked it up my eyes would shut down and I’d see double. But, it’s done. Now I’ve got to find something else to read ...
Strawberries In A Salad, Who Ever Heard Of Such A Thing?
Sunday, 17 December 2006
I know I did something ...
Even Stevens ... Almost
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Not Today
Friday, 15 December 2006
Best Laid Plans
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Not this day
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Very few trips throughout the day but what little was sent my way was of a reasonable quality so I wasn’t too upset but after 430 when the replacement dispatcher came on the f**kin’ idiot gave me conflicting instructions, responded to queries without reading them and generally destroying the surprisingly decent mood I was in at the end of the day – and this is the man who caused most of the problems on last week’s (week before?) Day Of The Worst Bike Dispatching Ever, And he’s rumoured to become our full time dispatcher, there will be problems if this occurs. Saw A Scanner Darkly with Louisa at the Dendy – the visuals are amazing – the same process as the original Lord of the Rings and Flashback (as well as Prince of Persia but that never impressed me too much) - interesting movie but was drifting towards the end and am not really sure what happened at the end. May have to try it again soon.
Monday, 11 December 2006
If a shortcut was easy then it would just be called 'the way'
Sunday, 10 December 2006
Birthdays, Birthdays and More F**kin' Birthdays
What's it all about?
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Brie Is Poor Man's Camembert
Friday, 8 December 2006
This Rookie Knows Best
Thursday, 7 December 2006
Laverne and Shirley
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Toll Slow
I feel so ashamed
Crimsons Tide v The Blue Rangers
Hot Hot Heat
Worst Dispatching Ever
... Sometimes I wish I had a friend who’d make me cupcakes and home made ice cream. Where do I find me one of those?
The Chair Ent There
Monday, 4 December 2006
The History of Sax
Tricksy Tricksy
Sunday, 3 December 2006
I feel so ashamed ...
C List Celebrity
I need a virgin
24 november - Before I'd even had a chance to properly embrace the morning
my mobile was ringing with Butters on the other end informing me of some
expresses out of downtown. Upon arrival everything seemed fine but amongst
the haul there was the first of the misaddresed jobs that I got from the day
- all sorted out pretty easily but not before a bit of backtracking and
painful explanations via the crappy text interface. The day was pretty
smoove although did have to carry an enormous file (one that I wasn¹t even
supposed to pick up but somehow found it in my bag after a security guard
sent me to wrong pickup place) all over town (up to Central where I got
locked in a carpark and a circuitous route over the bridge) - even when I
got to North Sydney with it of course it had to be last thing I was able to
drop. Apparently I havent sacrificed enough virgins to the courier gods to
satisfy them (I thought being an atheist would mean I wouldn¹t have to worry
about them too much). At the end of the day was offered a huge paying
Bridge-City-Edgecliff run but it was taken away before I had a chance to
accept - Indian givers (is it only racist if you say that in the USA?) -
either way, was happy to have a beer by that stage and there was a Critical
Mass ride across the harbour bridge which a few of the couriers were
planning on doing (never really went in for the whole critical mass
experience but the occasional special one like this can be quite a time).
Reasonably enjoyable, a fair bit of showing off by the various couriers,
near the end of the bridge where it came onto the highway a little boy rode
right in front of me and, unable to stop, I found myself with the option of
either bailing or crashing right into the back of him. Knowing the response
that would have ensued had he been injured (I can't imagine anyone giving
too much sympathy to a courier hitting a child) I took the former option.
Not really sure what I did but I think I jumped over the handlebars and
landed on my feet and somehow managed to catch Chevette before she hit the
ground too hard. Either way, a brilliant save with minimal loss of dignity
and kin. Very annoying though, even if you are a child, look where you're
f**king going.
Tonight was also poker night being hosted at Nick's very nice Surry Hills
place - few little hiccups to starting the night, namely being Rowan's
extreme intoxication upon the time of arrival which resulted in loss of
poker chips and even the cards but despite this minor setback some very
enjoyable gambling was embraced by the rest of us. Ade brought cards and we
used matches for chips (counting them seemed to be a bit beyond my Scottish
friend's capacities and there was a fair bit of accusation coming from that
side of the table) - despite not winning anything it was not an expensive
loss and I did get a slight kick of satisfaction by calling the Scot's bluff
in the first round of the second game and wiping him completely out of the
game. Still didn¹t stop the obnoxiousness unfortunately. Also serious
contact lens dramas throughout the night. Not good.
Devil's Food and Devil's Drink
Latter part of the afternoon was spent out in Coogee – had been offered a lift by a very generous friend of mine but had issues getting in touch with her but her evil ogre of a boyfriend interfered with the arrangement and a bus trip was made instead (albeit a very pleasant one) - Ms Mill’s must be feeling nostalgic for England (I don’t know why as the miserable weather was very reminescent of a sodden London day) because she’d set her mind on a sherry and mince pie party which was very nice despite the fact that I can’t eat mince pies (raisin’s are the devil’s snack – and lo, god looked upon the grape and saw that it was round and green and plump and sweet and he was pleased with his creation but the devil was jealous of god’s fruit and so he took it down into the fires of hell where the brimstone shrivelled it up to a dessicated husk of its former glory and god wept) and sherry’s not really my favourite tipple either (and lo, god took what grapes he had left after the devil had taken them for his raisins - and he turned it into a delicious wine which pleased him for it was fruity but sharp with undertones of vanilla and elderflowers but the devil grew angry and fortified it with a lesser wine and god wept and drank because he was sad and then was sadder because he drank) but she’s got lots of really nice friends (and why hadn’t I met these friends before anyway?)
Toll Slow
23 November - Felt a dire need to read a newspaper today and still not
having found a reliable inner city wifi source and knowing that the
nofishcafe signal is strong but impossible to connect through I made the
surprisingly long trip out to Roslyn Street in the cross for a coffee from
the camp old bastard who runs the nice coffee shop next to the Teahna Banana
gelateria with its always reliable signal. Logged on at 10 to 8 but my
cheerful early morning banter was not reciprocated and it was quite some
time before any real work came my way. It took a while to realise that it
was not the affable Kurt on the other end of the data device but Wayne, who
does a few other channels and despite seeming quite nice when I met him the
other day he's a right curt wanker over the text messages. Incredibly quiet
day with only one sweeet run where I was making about twenty stops, never
having to go more than two blocks between each one and only minimal illegal
riding required. Spent a lot of time window shopping and reading about what
was going on around the world (it's a good thing I'd synced the avantgo).
Knocked off early enough and did some ablutions before heading Gordon side
for home cooked meal the likes of which can only be made by a mum who loves
you and repaid generosity by stealing various other foodstuffs for my own
larder. First tentative connections by the Macbook to the in'nernet but
couldn't remember what I needed to download or do so logged off and cursed
myself when I remembered after I'd left the house. Had to rush to make the
direct train back to Redfern but all was good and no railbus's were
necessary. Did a bit of vandalism against my brand new jersey but it's far
too hot for sleeves at the moment and I need to even out the tan.
Death Toll
22 November - the snooze button was too tempting in the morning and i found
myself with only 15m to get dressed, make my luncheon and breakfast and get
on downtown for the first pick of the day. Disgustingly hot and muggy, with
so much crap in the air it felt like i was in Bangkok - not a very pleasant
day to be riding around in although whenever the occasional receptionist or
elevator drone said, 'oh, this is a bad day to be a courier' i had to make
the inevitable reply, 'every day is a great day to be a courier!' - but they
were right. Triple's answer to that one seems to be 'Yeah, look at my tan,
bitch!' - unfortunately that tan happens to cut off at the sleeves and knees
but it sure is one heck of a tan. Never really that busy throughout the day
although a few moments of tension, especially when i left some plane tickets
on the counter and only realised when i got to the destination. tried to get
back there in time before anyone realised but i was just approaching the
original pickup address when i got the call, 'Did you leave some tickets
behind?', yes, yes, yes ... sorting it out now. Late in the afternoon
Toll's online system went down across the entire country (probably because
they're still using TCNZA or its current derivative to FM all their telco
stuff) and everything seemed to grind to a halt. Swapped a cigarette for
some pastry goods with Marcello from Palms which seems like a pretty good
deal to me. Martin Place was like a concentration camp at the end of the
day - exhausted bodies sprawling over the steps, muttering jokes to each
other but completely drained of any life or energy, it took a great deal of
willpower to muster myself to get on the bike and head home.