Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Horses and Courses
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Cherry Crowns
Monday, 19 May 2008
All Grown Up
As I started a weekend with the symbolic growing up of another ... the iconic Pretty Boy of London Sydney fame is shuffling off the immortal coil and moving into a more domesticated arrangement somewhere south of Sydney. Whilst I wasn't too keen to participate in his send off race me and a few of the checkpoints had a very fast and occasionally sketchy ride back to the end where I proceeded to drink far more than is good for me - was escorted back to Woollahra for the Last Night of Freedom™ that had a few more visitors than was preferable for an early morning trucking and moving journey. Took another withdrawal from the Moving Karma Pool™ and gathered up the troops, all who contributed in their inimitable way (spatial awareness and space time continuum bending from El Binna, brawn from the Small But Doughty Man, well timed belligerence from The Rider of Rowan and something from Dave) – after a particularly smoove moove relaxing beverages were spoiled by a road raging Subaru driver who wanted our James Bond parking space and was prepared to drive through our human shield to get it but all worked out in the end. Unpacking not nearly as painful as it could have been and the oestrogen laden household is proving to be quite amenable to a boy growing up.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Growing Up
Monday, 12 May 2008
Saturday, 10 May 2008
The Food Wars Commence
Puck's speed is proving to be quite enviable - if only he could get a friend to take him somewhere. Still, have burned off one night's worth of calories - let's hope it's enough for a second night of mass consumption of animal product.
Comments should be directed at relevant posts and should only be considered if they're as legible as the thing they're being posted about. The standard is not that high so I'm hardly asking a high price.
Evil Melon by OrangeGhost on MojiZu
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
The Worst Is Yet To Come
But is this an Austrian problem? Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Austrian people in that they could "allow" this kind of thing to happen. Perhaps, but it's not limited to Austrians (or southern Austrians as the northern provinces would like to think as they distance themselves from this disturbing crime) and it's not limited to Europeans or even the western world. Japan has had it's share of long term child kidnappings involving terrible sexual assaults, Germany is apparently plagued by repeated high profile cases of infanticide; The Jamie Bulger case with its 10 year old killers shocked England to the core; the stories of American children committing mass murder upon their school mates seem to happen so regularly and we scrabble to find some thing American that could be the cause (is it either violent video games or other entertainment? Oppressive parents? A culture of bullying? Or maybe, just perhaps, it's that's impossible to escape the plague of guns that are in the hands of anyone and everyone in that enlightened country).
And before anyone comes to the dubious conclusion that it's a western phenomenon - just about every country from liberal Canada to the watched societies of Russia and China and even Iran has sociopathic serial killers living amongst its populace and sometimes they're caught.
Any country with a large population is going to have a mix of people - for the most part people are generally good but some are bad - for every saint there's a madman - and in more complex a society and the greater the imagination we have the more creatively good and more creatively bad we can become. The depravity to which the human being can descend is only limited by his imagination. Joseph Fritzl's crimes have already been mirrored in fiction - the Australian film 'Bad Boy Bubby' bore striking similarities to his case - it was apparently not based on any true story but we now know that people can lock up their children and commit the worst crimes upon them imaginable. The depravity of life is imitated in art constantly with the barrage of serial killer films and other tales of the worst of the human condition. And life follows right back with copy cat events - the enviable Hannibal Lecter didn't create any real killers but he sure may have given some real killers some good ideas.
For as long as people creatively imagine the good we can do others will be imagining the worst we can do. And without a shadow of a doubt - there are people who live amongst us who are imagining and committing to things that most of us could never conceive until it's shoved in our faces by a waiting media. It will happen again in future and it is happening now and it's happening in every country in the world regardless of whether it is a liberal democracy, a repressive theocracy or a militant dictatorship. Who knows what further horrors lie beneath the normal facade of human society? The one thing we can be sure of is that we haven't seen the worst of it.
Friday, 2 May 2008
Something that goes with salmon ...
Well, if there was anything worth reporting perhaps I wouldn't be ... or perhaps I'd have even less time to be reporting on it and actually doing it (and this makes as much sense to me as it would to anyone who actually reads this). A very long absence from the world of pub trivia was ended with Hippo Campus' (aka the Bike Courier Mafia) taking out third (or was it second?) place with a grand prize of some probably unnecessary jugs of beer (which I the beer snob had to wrest away from the VB swilling proles in order to get something palatable). Do I recall much from the ill advised day at the races? Other than the fact that I didn't win anything and knocked myself out for any activity for the rest of the week's end - not much. Did I get much out of the stand up comedienne who entertained us at the beginning of the long weekend? A little - perhaps an inspiration for a caper? I think there's definitely a calling for such activity. Not long to go now ...